Have you ever dreamed of owning a set of Velux skylights? They’re the newest innovation in outdoor lighting. Skylights are nothing more than large, clear, transparent domes that enclose a space, allowing light to enter while keeping it out. The unique ability to control the amount of light entering the skylight allows for a choice of many different kinds of configurations, including skylight blinds or curtains, skylight or “breeze” opening systems, and numerous custom designs. In this article we’ll take a look at a few of the advantages of Velux Skylights in Toronto, both for homeowners looking for new outdoor lighting and businesses interested in expanding their indoor environment through outdoor lighting.

velux skylights


Unlike traditional skylights, velux skylights provide and install Skylights, Double Height Panels, and Sun Tunnels into your home, to brighten up the house even during the dead of winter! VELUX skylights allow you to enjoy natural ventilation without having to ventilate via ductwork – something we all know is extremely unhealthy for our homes and our health! With velux skylights, you can also enjoy natural light with less strain on your ceiling, and less noise from open windows, because there is very little opening or Closing required. VELUX Skylights in Toronto are available in many different sizes and styles, including:


Skylight Blinds. With velux skylights, you have the option of choosing from a selection of specially-designed Skylight Blinds. These skylight blinds are installed with hinges so they can be quickly and easily opened, and closed, just as any other blind. By using the same skylight opening as your double-height windows, these blinds can help brighten the inside of your home, or add a skylight to a dark hallway or bathroom. This type of blind can also work well with other types of window treatments, such as Venetian Blinds, to help create an overall brightening effect that works well throughout the room.


Double Height Panels. If you would like to create an atmosphere where you feel comfortable while relaxing, VELUX SKYLIGHTS are perfect. Because these skylights can open and close as needed, you can enjoy natural sunlight, but still receive the maximum amount of ventilation possible. The panels are placed at various heights, which allows them to provide the greatest amount of natural light with the least amount of effort. When the panels are retracted completely, you can look directly out onto the beautiful Toronto sky.


Sun Tunnels. When looking for a unique way to incorporate natural light into your home, you may want to consider the installation of a Sun Tunnel. These skylight extensions are constructed just like all velux window models, and can be found in a number of different sizes and styles. When you install a Sun Tunnel, you are creating an interior sun tunnel that will allow you to experience natural light without using any outside sources. The sun tunnel heats up the inside of the house and projects this heat outward, helping to make sure that you feel warm and cozy regardless of the time of day.


Flat Roofs. While most people associate the name velux with luxurious homes and spaces with large amounts of glass and design flourishes, they are also a practical choice for many homeowners. As most homes have at least two flat roofs, they make great options for people who want to enjoy the natural light and open space that these elements can provide, but don’t have the budget to cover a full roof height. Many modern flat roofs include natural light openings, which allow you to enjoy outdoor living, but still get a view of the stars. When you install skylight shades on your flat roofs, you are opening the doors to outdoor living, too.


Air Flow Control. Unlike other models, a Velux Skylight with natural ventilation has no top, bottom, or side vents. Instead, the skylight has an integrated air flow control valve that allows it to maintain a constant fresh supply of air throughout the entire system. This not only keeps the temperature of the skylight cool during the summer months, but also ensures that you never experience hot air flow trapped inside your skylight. In contrast, most other models suffer from hot air building up in the ceilings of your rooms, which can cause uncomfortable temperatures and a noticeable increase in your heating bill.


Easy Installation. Another reason Velux skylights are so popular is because they are easier to install than other options. When you choose a sun tunnel as your new ceiling light or window, it is likely that you will need to hire a professional to help you install it. Other options, such as floating skylights, require simple installation by attaching to your existing roof windows and doors. In comparison, Velux sun tunnels are easy to install by following the detailed instructions that come with your package.
