Modern skylights have come a long way, especially in terms of aesthetics, materials and functions. Gone are the bulky, unsightly old-fashioned acrylic domes. Today, sleek, modern-looking, energy-efficient skylights are all over the place, from houses to condos to offices. They can range from the ubiquitous, double-walled skylights with one light to elaborate and highly-customized systems with many lights. However, one feature remains the same: they let light in and keep the heat out.


The most important part of a skylight installation is its design. Most skylights have two types of frame: the bottom sheet is usually installed first, followed by the skylight body. It is crucial that the frames are well-sealed so as not to allow moisture to seep through. The design must also be weatherproof. Some skylights have sun tunnels designed to trap heat during winter and to diffuse it during the summer months.


Other skylights may have a different kind of skylight design. Curb skylights, as the name suggests, are installed at the top of the roof. The skylight deck forms the rim of the opening and is then surrounded by a waterproof, mesh-like fascia. This is the part that catches the sun during the day and lets in the light at night. Other skylights are made with skylights that open outward. This is called an “outside-in-the-outdoor” construction and is more popular with commercial roofing companies who must cater to different local and ethnic tastes.


There is another type of skylight that doesn’t have to be installed on the roof. It is called a torchiere or Windward skylight. Natural light can enter through the skylights, but is filtered through the leaves, branches, and other debris floating in the air. Sometimes, the skylights are positioned toward the sides of the home, which allows some natural light to filter through and bounce off windows. These skylights provide a pleasant glow from inside the house without sacrificing the exterior view.


Leaks are a common problem with skylights. It can be difficult to spot where a leak is originating, but if you do find one, there are some things you can do to prevent the problem from worsening. One of the first things you can do is double check the seals around skylights to make sure they are tight and aren’t leaking. Also, if you notice a leak that is small, you can use a hair dryer to quickly dry out the area, minimizing the amount of damage caused by the skylight leaking.


Another problem that can occur when skylight installation goes wrong is a skylight that is leaking from the ceiling. This type of problem is easily visible from outside, since you will see a black spot where the skylight used to be. Even worse, you might actually know it is leaking when you feel a cold breeze coming through the roof. If you have any of these problems with your natural light roofing, contact skylight installers immediately.


Some skylight installation may not require any special attention. A skylight may have the hardware necessary to simply fix itself and not require any other maintenance. If you are unsure, don’t hesitate to call a professional skylight repair service. They can come out and inspect your skylights for you and give you an estimate of what it will cost to repair the skylight. Once the inspection is finished, they will determine if you need any more repairs or if it is simply a matter of cleaning the skylight and putting it back into place.


Skylight installation is never a simple matter. When a skylight is installed correctly, it will provide your home with the natural lighting that it was designed to provide. In addition, skylight installers can help you make sure that your new skylight installation fits snugly where it was designed to go. You’ll save time and money when you hire professional skylight installation professionals to get your new skylights up and running in no time at all.
